Sunday, January 6, 2013

THE only chocolate that lists ORACfn value on the box !

”The amount of antioxidants in your body is directly proportional to how long you will live."
- Dr. Richard Cutler, former Director of the National Institute of Aging, Washington

Xoçaí's ORACfn Superiority

Developed by industry scientists, the ORACfn test measures the antioxidant load of any given food. Near the top of the known antioxidant-rich foods is raw cocoa, which scores more than 80,000 for a 100 mg serving on the latest ORACfn ratings from the USDA. Not surprisingly, because of the inclusion of cold-processed cocoa, açai and blueberries, Xoçaí's products boast the highest ORACfn scores of any functional foods available today. These super-antioxidant ingredients contain various free radical fighting polyphenols, including flavanols, epicatechins, catechins, procyanidins, as well as vitamins C and A.

Nutritionists recommend that we consume around 5000 ORAC units per day to significantly impact antioxidant activity in the body. According to scientific studies, one serving of fruits or vegetables contain 500 ORAC units. If you do the math, 5 servings of fruits and vegetables a day is clearly insufficient. You now need at least 10 servings of fruits and vegetables a day to consume the recommended amount of ORAC units!
Brunswick Labs: A Seal of Superior Quality

The astounding ORACfn scores for Xoçaí various products come from Brunswick Labs, an independent, third-party analytical laboratory that provides analytical services for some of the world’s finest research institutions, corporations, and public organizations. Xoçaí is now enrolled in the Brunswick Labs Certified Program, an authoritative quality-assurance system that issues certification to products that have met strict criteria for some of their most popular ORACfn tests. The program is designed to help consumers cut through the confusion surrounding ORACfn scores and antioxidant values, as well as to discern which products make questionable claims regarding their antioxidant values.
“The Brunswick Labs Certification Program ensures that Xoçaí products are tested and meet specific criteria several times each year. The Brunswick Labs ORACfn Certified seal appears on all Xoçaí product packaging for complete customer confidence.”

Did You Know?
ORACfn stands for “Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity Food and Nutrition”. The antioxidant values of foods listed are expressed in ORAC (Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity) units, a unit of measurement for antioxidants developed by the National Institute on Aging in the National Institutes of Health (NIH).
Xoçaí: The “Cadillac” of ORACfn
Below are the ORACfn scores for all of Xoçaí's products.
Peanut Butter Squares™75,456
Omega Squares™75,405
X Power Squares™49,464
XoBiotic Squares™84,777
Xe Energy Drink™41,008
High-Antioxidant Shake™56,500
High-Antioxidant Cookie™36,765
XoVitality™ Antioxidant21,021
XoVitality™ Heart & Brain3,529
XoVitality™ Immunity & Energy11,222
Want to know more?  Visit

* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

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