Do you have a plan B ?
Social Security's finances are getting worse as the economy struggles to recover and millions of baby boomers stand at the brink of retirement. New congressional projections show Social Security running deficits every year until its trust funds are eventually drained in about 2037.
Did you know that 62% of Americans will retire with a yearly income of less than $10,000? What’s your plan? There are over 74 million independent home-based business owners worldwide. And this number is expected to triple in the next decade.
Every day 10,000 Americans reach the retirement age of 65. Ask yourself: Am I on track to retire financially independent?
Speak to me about a 4 year plan rather than a 40 year plan. How do you want to retire ? Get started now. The future is just around the corner.
Want to know more ? I'll be happy to talk to you.