Monday, November 5, 2012

Healthy Chocolate diet

Dark chocolate has ingredients that lower blood pressure and fight disease, but what if it will help you lose weight ?

It has been discovered through new scientific studies that dark chocolate and raw cacao's ability can help to stabilize blood sugar, it only makes sense that the right kind of chocolate can help those looking to lose weight.

quick weight loss tips
You need to pay special attention to locate and obtain the highest quality chocolate to achieve maximum benefits from this system. We suggest cold-press-processed dark chocolate with no added processed sugar(s), this preserves the powerful nutrients of the cacao bean and helps to prevent the loss of muscle mass.
Chocolate helps prevent the body from taking the fat in our diets and putting it in fatty cells. In addition, because of its mood elevating chemicals, people feel more energy and want to exercise more. Because of this combination they continue to lose weight. 

Did you know, that of all the properties that exist in raw cacao, one is a powerful appetite suppressant?

Cocoa is a natural appetite suppressant, so eating a piece of Xocai chocolate about 1/2 an hour before each meal can help you eat less. Plus, since most people feel increased energy and less stress while consuming the chocolate, they become more active helping them shed those pounds faster and keep them off!

Need proof ?

Want to know more ?   I'll be happy to talk to you. 

Join Winners (and losers) Circle today!
I am Leisa Hawkins, and I am a Washington State Xocai artisan chocolate distributor. I sell and promote the industry-leading category leading world's first official healthy chocolate online and in Snohomish and King County . Our valued WA customers recommend the Nuggets because Nuggets is a great tasting health product .
Winners Circle is also a fantastic Nugget home-based business in the Snohomish County area. WA entrepreneurs can supplement their income by cashing in on a high-demand WA healthy artisan chocolate market. To learn more about Winners Circle, visit
Call me at 425 210-1138 to own your own up and coming chocolate business in Snohomish or King County .  Washington state is looking for good representation, is it you ?
Leisa Hawkins

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